ideogram 地表最強大 AI 圖片產生器,能指定圖片文字標題,比 DALLE-3 或 Midjourney 還強


止輸入文字就讓 AI 產生圖片已經不是什麼新聞,但是目前市面上的 AI 做圖工具,大多沒辦法精確的產生出圖片中的文字,最近俞果發現 ideogram 這款 AI 做圖工具特別強大,是目前最強大的 AI 文字轉圖片工具,甚至比 DALLE-3 模型還要強大,它能夠產生清晰、詳細的圖片,同時理解較長且複雜的咒語 (Prompt),還能夠產生指定圖片比例的圖片,趕快來看看它有多強大!



ideogram 免費帳戶每天可以產生 100 張圖片、下載經壓縮過的 JPG 圖片。如果想解除這些限制,就必須付費解鎖,但俞果覺得免費帳戶已經很足夠一般用戶使用。

AI 文字產生圖片 文字

這是 ideogram 官方產生的圖片,咒語如下:


A cinematic, photorealistic portrayal of a rooster made entirely of crispy fried chicken. Its body is covered in a vibrant, golden-brown crust, drizzled with ketchup and adorned with perfectly cooked, steaming french fries for feathers. The rooster’s eyes are made of two small, round ketchup spots, and its beak is crafted from a piece of crispy chicken skin. The scene is set against a backdrop of a dimly lit, retro diner, with neon lights and a checkered tablecloth, adding to the nostalgic and quirky atmosphere.



從上面咒語可以看得出,ideogram 能夠理解非常詳細的語意:炸薯條羽毛、番茄醬做的眼睛、雞皮嘴巴、背景、氛圍,簡直是有求必應!

AI 作圖



two men in a study room. The man on the left stands, wearing a long coat, a patterned shirt, and holding a walking stick. He has an unkempt appearance with a beard. The man on the right is seated on a chair, dressed in a formal suit, and holding a cane. Behind them, there’s a framed portrait of a man on the wall. The room has a vintage feel, with ornate curtains and a carpeted floor.



鉅細靡遺地把細節都呈現在無片上了,使用體趕上的確比 DELLA-3 模型強大很多!

AI 繪圖

上圖是使用者調查,大家更喜歡 ideogram 而不是 DALL·E 3 或 Midjourney,不論是快速對齊、圖像連貫性、整體偏好和文字渲染品質方面 ideogram 都大勝!

AI 精確文字繪圖

Magic Prompt 是 ideogram 的獨家功能,能夠自動增強、擴充和翻譯咒語,產生精美、富有創意的圖片。

當透過 Magic Prompt 輸入咒語:create a funny meme about cats (創造一隻有趣的迷因貓)

Magic Prompt 就會自動產生下方的咒語,讓它更仔細、更豐富:

Magic Prompt: A meme featuring a Persian cat with a surprised expression. The cat’s eyes are wide open, making it appear shocked or amused. The background is a colorful collage of other cats in various poses, and the meme reads, “When you realize cats have taken over the internet.” The overall mood is lighthearted and humorous, showcasing the enduring love for cats online.

AI 圖片產生器

Prompt: vegetables orbiting the sun (蔬菜繞太陽運行)

Magic Prompt: A captivating and whimsical illustration of various vegetables in orbit around a bright, golden sun. The vegetables, each with their own distinct personality, are comically suspended by invisible strings, creating a sense of weightlessness. A mix of classic vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes, as well as more exotic ones like artichokes and eggplants, fill the celestial scene. The background stars twinkle in the vast universe, adding to the fantastical, cosmic atmosphere.

簡單來說,透過 ideogram 產生 AI 圖片,你只需要用 Magic Prompt 功能,同樣是很短的一句話,在 ideogram 可以產生非常仔細、完美的圖片,這是 DELLA-3 和 MidJourney 做不到的!各位趕快去試試看地表最強的 AI 圖片產生器吧。


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